Daniel A. Rauch, PhD
Associate Professor
- Phone: 314-747-0506
- Fax: 314-747-2797
- Email: drauch@nospam.wustl.edu
Division of Oncology
Mail Stop 8069-0012-05
Washington University
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
562 McDonnell Medical Sciences Building (office)
Ph: 314-362-8838 (lab)
- Viral oncogenes
- Leukemia/lymphoma
- Tumor immunity
- Imaging
My laboratory examines the relationship between viral oncogenesis and host immunity using novel applications of molecular imaging of novel transgenic mouse models of human cancers. Tumors arise in complex microenvironments including stromal cells and immune mediators with cross talk among signaling pathways, cytokines, chemokines, and blood vessels. While the cancer promoting elements within the tumor microenvironment are valuable therapeutic targets, their characterization requires the interrogation of tumor-host interactions in immune competent animal models. The Tax oncogene carried by the Human T-cell Leukemia Virus promotes inflammation and tumorigenesis in vivo. My postdoctoral work included development of transgenic mouse strains and utilization of small molecules designed to produce bioluminescence in response to Tax expression. We used non-invasive bioluminescent imaging to identify inflammatory lesions that preceded spontaneous tumorigenesis by independently monitoring inflammation and oncogene expression in vivo. We are currently examining pathways of inflammation and oncogenesis and translational approaches in i) prostate carcinoma, ii) osteosarcoma, and iii) leukemia / lymphoma.

Tax transgenic mice model of ATLL
Several Tax transgenic mouse models of ATLL have demonstrated the sufficiency of Tax as an independent oncogene. Second generation strains, such as the one depicted, have added capabilities, which enable non-invasive interrogation of various Tax activities using bioluminescence imaging
From: Rauch DA, Ratner L
Targeting HTLV-1 activation of NFkappaB in mouse models and ATLL patients. Viruses 2011 Jun;3(6):886-900
- 2009-2002: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (Lee Ratner, mentor)
- 2001: PhD in Microbiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
- 1996: BA in Biology, BA in Mathematics, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
Academic Positions & Employment
- present-2022: Associate Professor, Oncology Division, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- 2022-2011: Assistant Professor, Oncology Division, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- 2010-2009: Instructor, Oncology Division, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Honors & Awards
- 2004: Keck Post-Doctoral Fellow, Washington University