George P. Souroullas, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Phone: 314-362-8967
- Email: george.souroullas@nospam.wustl.edu
Division of Oncology
Mail Stop 8069-0012-05
Washington University
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
558 McDonnell Medical Sciences Building (office)
Ph: 314-362-8910 (lab)
- Epigenetic mechanisms
- B cell lymphoma
- Melanoma
The Souroullas Lab is studying the role of epigenetic mechanisms during cancer formation, with a specific interest in B cell lymphoma and melanoma.
Recent next generation sequencing studies have identified mutations in many epigenetic factors in multiple cancers. The reversible nature of these proteins presents us with an opportunity in translational medicine. Understanding the phenotypic and molecular consequences of epigenetic dysregulation during carcinogenesis remains a challenge, but it is critical in developing more effective therapeutic strategies. Towards that end, our lab combines the use of genetically engineered mouse models with epigenetic, molecular, biochemical, and pharmacological methods to study how mutations in epigenetic factors promote the development of cancer.

Epigenetic regulation is a very dynamic process which involves three main components: (1) Writers: These are proteins which catalyze the addition of chemical groups on the DNA or chromatin. (2) Readers: Proteins which recognize these chemical groups, interact with them, interpret them and transmit further downstream signals. (3) Erasers: Proteins that recognize these marks and catalyze their removal. All these processes together regulate fundamental processes of the cell, such as DNA transcription, replication, repair, and thus cell growth and proliferation, which is an essential component during cancer development. The Souroullas lab is particularly interested in the role of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) in cancer. PRC2 is an epigenetic writer which establishes the repressive epigenetic mark histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3), resulting in silencing of gene expression. The catalytic subunit of the PRC2 complex is EZH2 (Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2). Initially, EZH2 was thought to be a tumor-suppressor since loss-of-function events were observed in Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). However, more recent next-generation sequencing studies have also identified activating point mutations and amplifications of EZH2 in a wide range of cancers (Figure 1), suggesting that EZH2 also functions as an oncogene. Furthermore, mutations within the SET domain of EZH2 (e.g. Tyr 641) appear to behave in a neomorphic manner in B cell lymphomas and melanoma, further complicating the role of EZH2 and our understanding of its role in cancer. These data suggest that the role of EZH2 in cancer is cell type-dependent, however, the underlying oncogenic mechanisms mediated by EZH2 point mutations or other genetic aberrations are not fully elucidated and are critical in understanding its role during malignant transformation.

Research Goals
Our lab is interested in exploring the above mechanisms using genetically engineered mouse models in combination with molecular, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches. Overall, our goal, is to explore how epigenetic mechanisms interact under homeostatic conditions, how those interactions are perturbed in cancer, how they interact with other oncogenic events and how we can take advantage of this knowledge to design more effective therapeutic strategies. Current projects in the lab include:
- Investigation of the underlying molecular mechanisms that result in the neomorphic properties of the EZH2 mutations observed in B cell lymphoma and melanoma,
- Understand the downstream mechanisms responsible for the oncogenesis and disease pathogenesis in EZH2-mutant lymphoma and melanoma, and
- Unravel the interplay between the various epigenetic modifications during cancer.

- 2010-2004: PhD (Molecular and Human Genetics), Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX
- 2004-2000: BA (Genetics/Microbiology), Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware OH
Post-Graduate Training
- 2016-2011: Postdoctoral Fellow (Cancer Genetics), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC
Academic Positions & Employment
- present-2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- 2018-2016: Research Scientist, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Honors & Awards
- 2017: Joseph Pagano Award, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
- 2016: Benjamin F. Trump Fellow Award for Scientific Excellence
- 2014: First Place Poster Award, LCCC Retreat, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- 2013: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, F32 Fellowship
- 2011: Training Grant – Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- 2010: First Place Poster Award, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy Retreat, Baylor College of Medicine
- 2009, 2008: Travel Award, American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting
- 2008: Thekla Protopapas Scholarship, Pancyprian Association of Texas
- 2004: Elizabeth Cass-Wills Award, Ohio Wesleyan University
- 2004: George B. Harris Award, Ohio Wesleyan University
- 2004-2000: Dean’s List for Academic Excellence, Ohio Wesleyan University
- 2004-2000: Faculty Scholarship, Ohio Wesleyan University
- 2000: Fulbright Scholarship, US Department of State
Professional Societies
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Society of Hematology