Max Wattenberg, MD
Assistant Professor
- Phone: 314-747-2712
- Fax: 314-362-7086
- Email: wattenberg@nospam.wustl.edu
Division of Oncology
Mail Stop 8069-04-09
Washington University
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
9th Floor BJC IOH (Office)
Ebony McGee
- Gastrointestinal cancers
- Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
- Tumor immunobiology
- Myeloid cells
- Cancer immunotherapy
Myeloid cells, heterogenous cells of the innate immune system, are pliable and possess the capacity for both tumor-supporting and tumoricidal functions. Yet how to reprogram myeloid cells or use myeloid cell functions to control cancer remains ill-defined. By integrating multi-omics analyses of samples from patients with cancer, transgenic mouse modeling of cancer and functional genomics, I aim to (i) define strategies to leverage tumoricidal myeloid cell functions for cancer therapy, and (ii) identify tumor-intrinsic mechanisms of resistance to myeloid cell cytotoxic programs. In doing so, I hope to inform the design of novel clinical trials and ultimately improve outcomes for patients with cancer.
- 2014-2009: MD, University of Louisville, School of Medicine, Louisville, KY
- 2013-2012: NIH Medical Research Scholars Program, Bethesda, MD
- 2009-2005: BA, University of Louisville (Biology), Louisville, KY
Post-Graduate Training
- 2020-2017: Fellowship, Hematology and Oncology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- 2019-2018: Chief Fellow, Hematology and Oncology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- 2017-2015: Resident in Medicine, University of California San Francisco
- 2015-2014: Intern in Medicine, University of California San Francisco
Academic Positions
- present-2024: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
- 2024-2020: Instructor of Medicine, Division of Hematology Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Board Certification
- present-2021: ABIM Internal Medicine
- present-2017: ABIM Medical Oncology
Honors & Awards
- 2023: Holmes Early Stage Faculty Award for Basic Research at UPenn – awarded for research on exploiting non-cytotoxic functions of T cells for cancer immunotherapy presented at the Penn Department of Medicine Research Day
- 2022: National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program – awarded for research on the role of myeloid cells in BRCA-mutant pancreatic cancer
- 2021: Damon Runyon Physician Scientist Training Award – awarded $460,000 over four years for research on epigenetic programming of dendritic cells for cancer therapy
- 2020: Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology K12 – awarded $120,000 per year for research on defining the roles of dendritic cell subsets in the immune response to pancreatic cancer
- 2018: T32 Hematology Research Training Program (T32 HL07439)
- 2014: University of Louisville, School of Medicine, Dean’s Award for Scholarship
- 2014: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Physician/Scientist Award
- 2012: Gold Humanism Honor Society
- 2011: Alpha Omega Alpha – Honor Medical Society
- 2011: Henry Gray Barbour Memorial Prize in Pharmacology
- 2011: Association of Pathology Chairs Honor Society
- 2011: American Association of Clinical Pathologists’ Award for Excellence and Achievement
- 2011: KMA Alliance Scholarship Award
- 2011: Letitia S. Kimsey-Taylor Award for Exceptional Academic Accomplishment in department of Microbiology and Immunology
- 2010: KMA Alliance Scholarship Award
- 2010: Mary A. Hilton Award for Excellence in Biochemistry
- 2010: Dr. Atwood P. Latham Memorial Prize in Anatomy
Professional Societies & Organizations
- Member, Golden Humanism Honor Society
- Member, Alpha Omega Alpa
- Member, ASCO
- Member, AACR