Silva-Fisher Lab
Our Research focus is to study the basic mechanisms of non-protein coding RNAs called long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) to target them and use them as biomarkers, diagnostics, and new therapies.

Singh Lab
The goal of our laboratory is to understand the mechanisms controlling success and failure of T cells engineered to target cancer and overcome barriers that prevent responses.

Souroullas Lab
The Souroullas lab is using genetically engineered mouse models to study the role of chromatin modifications during cancer development, with an emphasis on lymphoid malignancies and melanoma.

Spencer Lab
Research in the Spencer lab is a combination of experimental and computational science that is focused on the common theme of the genetics, genomics, and epigenetics of acute myeloid leukemia.

Van Tine Lab
The Van Tine lab focuses our research on studying cancer metabolism to develop novel therapeutic strategies for soft tissue and bone sarcomas.

Verma Lab
We are intrigued with the conundrum that while DNA replication and repair are essential for viability, cancer cells with defects in these pathways evolve mechanisms to ensure rapid proliferation.

Vindigni Lab
We focus on DNA replication and repair, and the roles of these pathways on cancer initiation, progression and response to chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Weilbaecher Lab
The Weilbaecher lab is interested in studying the molecular pathogenesis of cancer bone metastasis, and the development of targeted nano-therapy and immunotherapy for breast cancer.